Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Michigan State University, 1978-1982
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, University of Memphis, 1982-1985
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology, University of Memphis, 1985-1987
Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Wm Beaumont Army Medical Center,
El Paso, Texas, 1987-1988
Institute for Depth Psychology, Rye, New York, 1989-1990
Diplomate Jungian Psychoanalyst, Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts Training Program, 1993-1999
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Tennessee since 1988
National Register of Health Care Providers in Psychology since 1988
Diplomate Jungian Psychoanalyst since 1999
Nationally Certified Psychoanalyst (NCPsyA) since 1999
Professional Memberships
International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP)
Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts (IRSJA)
National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP)
American Psychological Association - Division of Psychoanalysis (APA - Div. 39)
Professional Positions Held
US Military Academy, West Point, NY
staff psychologist 1988-1990
Private Practice
International Association for Analytical Psychology
ethics committee (2016 - present)
American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis
executive committee, chair of committee on accreditation,
chair of distance learning committee
Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
training analyst, propeadeuticum examination committee,
final examination committee, training committee, review committee chair, colloquia leader
C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
faculty and external supervisor (2014-present)
Memphis Jungian Seminar
training coordinator, faculty member, colloquia leader
Moscow Association for Analytical Psychology
external faculty (2017 - present)
Visiting Faculty
Atlanta Friends of Jung; Boulder Jungian Seminar; Charleston Friends of Jung;
Columbus Friends of Jung; C.G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe; The Houston Jung Center;
Jungian Psychoanalytic Association - New York; Lafayette Friends of Jung;
Minneapolis Jungian Seminar; The Jung Seminar of Texas;
C.G. Jung Institute – Philadelphia; C.G. Jung Institute – Pittsburgh;
The New Orleans Jung Seminar; The Florida Jungian Seminar;
C.G. Jung Institute – Chicago; The Center for Jungian Studies - Dominican Republic;
C.G. Jung Institute – Copenhagen, Denmark; Centre for Applied Jungian Studies, South Africa; Thiasos: Shared Imagination Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Clinical Pastoral Education Program, University Methodist Hospital
adjunct faculty member (2000-2008)
American Psychological Association
Division of Psychoanalysis (Div. 39), Scholars Program
Mentor in Psychoanalytic Scholar Program
Editorial Activities
Editorial Board - Journal of Analytical Psychology
August 2016 - Present
Editorial Board of Reviewers - Journal of Humanistic Psychology
January 2016 - Present
Publications: Books
Beyond Persona with Jungian Analysts: Interviews on Individuation and Beginnings,
Lavinia Tanculescu (Interviewer & Co-Editor) & Mark Winborn (Co-Editor),
Routledge (forthcoming 2021)
Interpretation in Jungian Analysis: Art and Technique, Routledge, 2019
Shared Realities: Participation Mystique and Beyond (Editor), Fisher King Press, 2014
Deep Blues: Human Soundscape for the Archetypal Journey, Fisher King Press, 2011
Publications: Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Participation Mystique: An Overview (forthcoming 2021),
Website of the International Association of Analytical Psycholgy (
The Abject to the Sublime: Projective Identification in the Art of Francis Bacon (forthcoming, 2021),
Analytische Psychologie (German), Vol. 194.
The Abject to the Sublime: Encountering Otherness in the Art of Francis Bacon (2020),
In Encountering the Other: Within us, between us and in the world
Proceedings of the 21st IAAP Congress – Vienna. Daimon Verlag
The Analytic Attitude: Ethical Prohibition and Ethical Action (2020),
In Encountering the Other: Within us, between us and in the world
Proceedings of the 21st IAAP Congress – Vienna. Daimon Verlag
Liber Novus and the Metaphorical Psyche (2020),
In Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt (Ed.), Jung`s Red Book for our Time:
Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions. Asheville, NC: Chiron
C.G. Jung and Becoming a Psychoanalyst (2020), in Stefano Carpani (Ed.),
Breakfast at Kűsnacht. Ashville, NC: Chiron
The Colorless Canvas: Non-representational States
and Implications for Analytical Psychology (2017)
In Anima Mundi in Transition: Cultural and Profesional Challenges
Proceedings of the 20th IAAP Congress - Kyoto
Daimon Verlag
Jung and Bion: Intersecting Vertices (2018)
in Robin S. Brown (Ed.), Re-Encountering Jung:
Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis
The Aesthetics of Being (2018) in Susan Lord (Ed.), Moments of Meeting,
Routledge Relational Perspectives Series
Analytical Psychology and Science: Adversaries or Allies?
Psychological Perspectives, 2016, Vol. 59, #4, pp. 490-508.
Aesthetic Experience and Analytic Process
International Journal of Jungian Studies, 2015, Vol. 7, #2, pp. 94-107
The Centrality of the Aesthetic Impulse to the Analytic Process (2014)
In 100 Years On: Origins, Innovations and Controversies
Proceedings of the 19th IAAP Congress - Copenhagen
Daimon Verlag
The Shadow of Familiarity: A Contributor to the Intersubjective Field
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2012, Vol. 57, #2, pp.187-206
The Problem of Familiarity: A Contributor to the Transference/Countertransference Field
(2012), in Facing Multiplicity: Psyche, Nature, Culture:
Proceedings of the 18th IAAP Congress - Montreal
Daimon Verlag
Publications: Forwards, Book Reviews, Journal Reviews
Review of Lost Goddesses: A Kaleidoscope on Porn by Giorgio Tricarico,
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2021, (forthcoming)
Review of Ontological psychoanalysis or “What do you
want to be when you grow up?” by Thomas Ogden,
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2020, Vol. 65, #4, pp. 765-768.
Forward (2019), for Jungian Music Psychotherapy:
When Psyche Sings by Joel Kroeker, (pp. xv-xviii). London: Routledge
Review of Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning
by Howard Levine, Gail Reed, and Dominique Scarfone (Eds.)
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2016, Vol. 61, #3, pp. 388-390
Review of The Necessary Dream: New Theories and Techniques of Interpretation in Psychoanalysis, by Giuseppe Civitarese,
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2016, Vol. 61, #2, pp. 251-254
Review of Lessons of the Inca Shamans: Piercing the Veil
by Deborah Bryon in Spring #90: Jung and India, Fall 2013
First Encounter with Dreams: A Review of Dream Manual
for Therapists and other Listeners by Galen Martini
Jung Journal, 2013, Vol. 7, #2, pp. 81-83
Review of Understanding Dreams in Clinical Practice by Marcus West
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2012, Vol. 57, #5, pp. 679-680
Review of The Concept of Analytic Contact by Robert Waska
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2011, Vol. 56, #2, pp. 274-275
Lectures and Courses Presented
Threads in Psyche’s Tapestry: The Evolution of Thought
in Analytical Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Metaphor and Archetype
The Body Imagines: Soma in the Intersubjective Field
The Analyst as Instrument: Getting Inside the Skin of the Patient
Bion and Jung: Intersecting Vertices
Jung and the Metaphorical Mind
Foundations of Transformational Discourse: Language, Poetics, and Metaphor in Interpretation
Integrating Theory and Technique
Overview of Psychoanalytic Competencies
Analytical Psychology and Science: Allies or Adversaries?
Non-Representational States: The Challenge for Analytical Psychology
Advanced Seminar in Clinical Analytic Interaction
Engaging Mythology
Defenses in Analysis
Aesthetics in Analysis
The Fate of Ruthlessness in Analysis
The Clinical Use of Fairy Tales
Michael Fordham: A Historical and Theoretical Overview
The Problem of Familiarity: A Contributor to the Transference/Countertransference Field
Cultivating the Analytic Attitude
Speaking with Complexes: The Art of Interpretation
Transference and Counter-Transference: The Analytic Field
Learning in Analysis
Jung and Kohut: Developments in Psychoanalytic Technique
Dreams and Spirituality
Introduction to Control Mastery Theory
Resurrecting the Imagination
The Bible as Metaphor
Jung and Goethe's Faust
Fundamentals of Analytical Psychology
Introduction to Jung's Theory of Typology
Archetypal Aspects of the Blues